Member Resources

Click here for printable PDFs of: Final Call Script , Nightingale Pledge , Poem , Living Tribute, WNHGrosecard & WNHGlabel

FinalFinal-Call-Script-2024 Nightingale-Pledge-2024 WNHG-Tribute-Poem WNHG-Living-Tribute-2024 WNHGrosecard WNHGlabel

Member Pins 

This pin is now OPTIONAL. It is 2.5 x 2.5 inches.  Below you will see several options to purchase one. Please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery. 

  1. Send a $20 check (or you can have your bank send us a check through your online bill pay) to the address noted just below.  In the memo section, write “PIN” 
Wisconsin Nurses Honor Guard  
P.O. Box 321
Waukesha WI 53187-0321

2.  Pay by Zelle WNHG account & allow 4-8 weeks.  

3.         Pay by Venmo WNHG account & allow 4-8 weeks. 

Swag Pins (optional) some members requested a pin that they can wear in every day life, or on their work ID to represent WNHG. 

Click here to purchase: name tag WNHG swag pin

Lamp Info

Each tribute group choose to have every member enter the service with their lamp lit, or they may opt to use just one lamp for the entire service. This will vary from service to service. Moving forward, we will be using the lamps for the services only and no longer gifting them to the family.  In turn, we will be presenting them a white silk rose as the memorial gift. The lamp service is iconic to most nursing honor guards and will continue. Each member is required to have their own lamp and to find/manage their own replacement candles. 

Members who require a sticker logo for their lamp may simply email us at requesting one and it will be sent by mail. Please apply the logo as seen here to your lamp exactly as shown below. 

Do not purchase any other model except this model:  #PM1890 (PM stands for Prestige Medical) 1890. 

To purchase your own lamp, here are the most common options. 


Click this link, and then click on the “find a retailer” button. You can search for possible retailers of this model near you. If you have some stores that are found in the search, call the store to verify that they have it. 

Click here:  Prestige Medical Find A Retailer


Click here: Amazon Lamp

There are other websites that have this model as well, when you Google search “PM 1890 Nursing Lamp”; just note that price and shipping may vary from site to site. 

Click here: Redding Medical

Click here: AZream

Click here: Standris

Click here: Anchorage Medical

Click here: Safety Store

Replacement Candles:

Must be white

Can be found online, amazon, various stores and are under the name of chime candle, church/vigil candle. 

Exact replacement size is 4 inch long by 7/16 inch wide. 

However, it is easier to find the 4 inch long and ½ inch wide. This size will not fall into the hole of the lamp, but can be easily set into place with a little back and forth screw/twist motion and it will remain in place.